With the increasing amount of student debt and the soft economy, many college students and graduates are having trouble making their monthly loan payments. Thankfully, there are banks willing to help out the students and aid them in solving this problem. Several lenders have begun offering products and services that focus on these loans and […]
Education News
Online university alumna becomes dean of school
Online university alumna becomes dean of school According to U.S. News and World Report, enrollment in online programs has increased by 832 percent to more than 2 million students in the past nine years. This may be a result of the growing number of job opportunities for graduates of web-based degree programs. For example, Kimberly […]
Christian university offers two new online degree programs
Christian university offers two new online degree programs As online education becomes more popular, the number of web-based degree options continues to increase. Students who are interested in art, nursing, education or science have thousands of online schools and distance learning programs from which they may choose. For example, adults who are looking for a […]
New online degree in education announced
New online degree in education announced Those interested in pursuing an online degree in education have one more option to select from with Marzano Research Laboratory’s recent introduction of a new program. The curriculum for the Master of Science in Education with a major in the Art and Science of Teaching, which was developed jointly […]
Special needs teachers have promising employment outlook
Special needs teachers have promising employment outlook The number of open positions for special education teachers is projected to expand by 17 percent over the next eight years, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports. In addition to new job creation resulting from increased student enrollment, a large number of openings are expected as a […]
New cookbook discusses changes in food culture
Cookbook presents modern dietary choices Ruth Riechl has been the editor of Gourmet Magazine for over ten years, and in that time she has seen perceptions about food change, affecting the things people eat and the way they prepare those things. She has written a new cookbook to address these changes. The book is titled […]
Online masters degree graduate named to educational foundation’s council
Online masters degree graduate named to educational foundation’s council Full Sail University, an entertainment media institution, has profiled online education graduate Anthony Armstrong who was recently named as a member of the George Lucas Educational Foundation’s National Advisory Council. A graduate of the university’s education media design and technology master of science online degree program, […]
University introduced online doctoral degree for teachers
University introduced online doctoral degree for teachers Many educators of elementary-age children are noticing a challenge in teaching reading and literacy to young learners. The growing teacher shortage may make these lessons more difficult, as student-to-teacher ratios are rapidly increasing. In order to prepare more adults for a career in education, many American colleges are […]
Michigan may soon rival Hollywood as filmmakers’ heaven
Michigan may soon rival Hollywood as filmmakers’ heaven Some people get to turn their hobby into a career when they lose their job in a recession, and now may be a good time for all those wannabe filmmakers to get their degree as careers may soon abound in Michigan. The state has been hit hard […]
Financial Aid for Military Personnel at Online Schools
When a member of the military decides to attend online schools, there are several financial aid options available to those who qualify. While the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is still required, there are many other avenues of financial aid available only to those who served Uncle Sam. Financial Aid for Military Personnel […]